Jorge Regula

My name is Jorge Regula
I'm walkin down the street
I love you
Let's go to the beach
Let's go sailing
Let's get a bite to eat
Let's talk about movies
Let's go to sleep
I wake up in the morning
Put on my yellow shirt
I get a bite to eat
I go to work
I'm the a/v guy
I'm the afny* guy
I'm the piano guy
Let's go to sleep
I wrote a new song
It has a good beat
Let's talk about movies
Let's get a bite to eat
My name is Jorge Regula
I'm walkin down the street
I love you
Let's go to sleep
Let's go to sleep
Dedicada a mi gran amiga...susana verdura
JAJAJAJA gracias amigui por tu cancion dedicada ... jorge verdura esta emocionado ....
un besote
grax por hacerme reir cuando ando gil
chaup ...
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